What is TMJ Disorder?
Your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) connects your jaw and temporal bones of your skull together.
At Fort Richmond Dental Centre, our Winnipeg dentists can diagnose and treat disorders of this joint, known as TMJ Disorder.
Causes of TMJ Disorder
The most common cause of TMJ Disorder is misalignment of the teeth and jaws. Other factors may include genetic predisposition, the shape of your skull, airway issues, and injuries or trauma to the jaw.
Signs & Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
When your jaw joints are balanced and healthy, they allow proper movement of your mouth. If your teeth and/or jaw become misaligned, you may begin to suffer from TMJ disorder.
TMJ disorder can cause a number of symptoms because the compromised jaw muscles have to work extra hard. Common symptoms include:
- Headaches and migraines
- Teeth grinding
- Jaw, face and/or neck pain
- Dizziness
TMJ Disorder Treatment
At Fort Richmond Dental Centre, our dentists can test for, diagnose and provide a treatment plan for TMJ disorder to help reduce discomfort and return your jaw structure to a balanced state without the need for surgery.
Treatment may include wearing a night guard for sleep and relaxation techniques.
Untreated TMJ issues can eventually lead to eroded jawbones and loose teeth. If you are experiencing any symptoms, visit your dentist for a proper diagnosis.